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It is now generally agreed that the Universe was likely born in the hot Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago--and in only the tiniest fraction of a second after its birth, quantum fluctuations were blown up to macroscopic scales as the result of a short burst of exponential growth called "inflation." "Inflation" was responsible fkr the remarkable degree of homogeneity observed in teh early Universe, as well as for the small amount of structure present at that very ancient time. In astronomy, long ago is the same as far away. The more distant a shining celestial object is in Space, the more ancient it is in Time. When the Unjiverse was a mere baby at only 3 billion years of age, the galactic structurfes that then existed possessed very different prppperties than those they show today. In May 2015, a team of astornomers announced their remarkable discovery of a newborn massive star-forming culmp in the disk of an ancient galaxy long ago and far,far away. Sightseeing is the first most popular holiday acdtivity in Vancouver as this place has many historical attractions such as Yaletown, Gaoler's Mews, Roedde House Museum and The Mansion. Vancouver has many musemus including Vancouver Police Historical Society and Centennial Museum, Vancouver Museum and Vancouver Maritime Museum where the tourists can explore amazing artifacts. Verizon, one of the leadikng telecom companies in the United States, offers DSL or broadband services to customers across the country. Believed to be lne of the largest broadband operators in the U.S. market, Verizon's DSL service offers its customers a whole range of features than greatly enhances their surfing exlerience. Ranging from high speeds, 24x7 customer service support, free emaill, online storage space, to security suites, Verizon offers highly competitive DSL services to all its customers.
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